Allure Lotion Bar


Set the mood for some romance with your partner using this blend of patchouli, cedarwood and tonka bean. This earthly scent not only soothes stress and increases confidence, but it also promotes harmony and creativity in relationships; plus this Carnelinan crystal brings some added passion!

This mixture of organic coconut, jojoba, marula, and vitamin E oils, along with ethically sourced beeswax and shea butter is full of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and amino acids. When applied to the body after your shower or bath, you’ll feel the skin lock in all that moisture while also protecting it from environmental stressors, giving your skin a vibrant glow, and helping with skin cell rejuvenation! Not to mention the lovely aroma.

Store in a cool place, preferably in the fridge when not in use for a shelf life of 6 months.

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